I have been so excited lately to see my art influence spreading worldwide.
I first came across it last year, when a teacher from Sydney, Australia contacted me about the lesson she did with her primary school kids using my art as inspiration. It was so thrilling to see these little kids learning to have fun with colour and mark-making.
In the last few months, this has spread across the globe thanks to a lovely art teacher @mrsgreenartbaby in the USA who has a large Instagram following of fellow art teachers from around the world. She shared a wonderful lesson with her class which she posted on her Instagram and this has resulted in teachers everywhere coming on board and preparing art lessons inspired by my work.
The other week, a class in France produced some beautiful work and I’ve also had a women's art class in the Middle East (who work with women for mindfulness art therapy), ask if they could use my art as an example for a lesson in the future.
It's so incredibly humbling to see my obsessive love of lines and the mindfulness that repetitive mark-making brings, capture the interest of teachers from all corners of the globe. It warms my heart so much that I am sprinkling happiness, colour and a love of art and self-expression, all across the world for the next generation to embrace and enjoy, no matter the differences in language and culture. How powerful is art in human connection?
Just incredible!