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The Quest to Resolve and Complete an Artwork

As part of the week-long course run by Artist Judy Woods, I created 3 pieces of art. One I completed and I am happy with. The second I kept plugging away with, but couldn’t get to the point of calling it finished. The third I’ve pretty much given up on....... for now!

Here is artwork number two in progress:

When I got to this point of this last photo, I was beyond ideas on where to go from here. I liked bits of it, but not all of it. There was too much happening, and it needed quieting down.

I then had an idea.

Back in 2016, inundated with my 2-year old and 4-year old’s precious artworks from day-care, I created this little piece of art that captured little snippets of my kid’s masterpieces, without having to keep the entire piece. I made these up as little Christmas gifts for the grandparents too and they loved them.

I used this idea of snippets of circles to cover up a lot of the work in white and just leave cirles of the work in view, like little portholes. I love the geometric form of the circles, acknowledging my style and favouring geometric shapes that I have been exploring a lot in my works. I love the texture and layers in this work, and I find it so beautiful seeing the little bits of interest peeking through.

I'm pretty happy with the final result.... it's certainly not what was I was expecting to end up with but that's the beauty of the creative journey!

"Circles of my Soul" is available for purchase here if you want to see more!

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